Video Transcript:
The business has gone through the roof. We’ve put on over £80,000 onto our turnover and all done through things I’ve picked up at the Entrepreneurs Circle.
Marketing more than anything. I was really struggling on that side. We just went by on adverts in the paper, word of mouth and left it at that. It was going okay but it was never going to really take off the way it has done in the last 12 months. Well, we’ve expanded the business, we’ve taken over, I was a blind company initially but I’ve taken over an interiors company. We’ve gone from myself and my wife now to having four staff and it’s just a massively bigger business than it was this time last year. I suppose the support is my favourite part of EC because working by yourself there’s nowhere you can turn to for support really if you’ve got a problem. Whereas I know in the past, I’ve spoken to the team leaders and they’ve been fantastic, offering support and help and that’s been great for me.
Val Hever – Val Hever Blinds Ltd