“The Entrepreneur’s Circle is quite simply the best, most up to the minute, stimulating business mentoring partnership in the UK.
I say partnership because it needs you to apply all the information that is supplied into your business. You do have to think how you can adapt the information into your business. It has made a huge difference to my business, especially in the way I now do things on my business and not in my business.
Invigorating, helpful, friendly…
Probably the best way to describe the EC impact is to show how I now make products and processes which can then be sold out through affiliates so that I can earn whilst not actually doing the work. The EC helped me to understand how to market my business and make it appetizing to other providers within my sector on top of the usual clients that need a friendly compliance partner.
If I could sum up what I found within the EC during the past two years you only need the words, refreshing, invigorating, friendly, helpful, innovative, open, tenacious, clear and knowledgeable people who really want you to succeed.
Profits up 30%…
I now employ three people and am looking to employ a fourth, we also have two affiliates who use our products and have two large organizations where we are their trusted outsourced provider, all through going and breathing in the EC ether. My profits are up by 30% this year following 24% last year, thanks to Nigel and the EC Team.”