“I’d been running my own business for 7 years, sold that and decided to do something different. I retrained to become a Personal Stylist in November 2011 and ‘discovered’ the EC in January 2012.
All I can say is WOW and THANK GOODNESS because I can say with 100% certainty that the EC has ensured I’m creating a viable business and doing all the ‘right’ stuff to make me a millionaire which is my end goal.
Since joining the EC, little old me has been:
- Invited by BBC Radio to talk about my business
- Requested to do a book launch at a city centre branch of Waterstones
- Approached to take part in a Channel 4 programme
- Paid treble my usual fees
£10 Million in the bank…
Not only that, I now have a business plan to get me £10 Million in the bank. And the numbers work.
Just to be clear, as amazing as Nigel is, he hasn’t done these things for me, I’ve done them. BUT, I’ve done them on the back of everything I’ve learnt from being an EC member, from attending as many events as possible and most importantly, by IMPLEMENTING everything I’ve learned.
Oh yeah and because I get so much value from every minute spent with someone from the EC.
Getting a buzz…
And the biggest and best thing actually is kind of a side issue. For the first time in my self-employed life, I’m hanging out with like-minded business owners, getting a buzz from our shared enthusiasm and getting THE BEST info and insights in the country.
So If you’re a business owner who wants a really super-successful business, come join us at the EC. It’s a cool place to be :)”