Video Transcript:
Accountability, ideas and obviously the marketing size. And the sense of community and not wanting to let yourself down or obviously other colleagues when they’re keen to help you to move your business on.
I loved the energy from Nigel and others when I saw him present sort of couple of seminars. And for me, whilst I got the need to kind of do more than the usual networking and odd flyer, I realised that some Entrepreneurs Circle could help me get my marketing, you know, raise it to another level as much more professional than what I already had and give me ideas really that, I hadn’t necessarily thought about, or weren’t particularly obvious to me.
I love the stuff because everyone’s great, encouraging gets to know you, shares in your successes and helps you when you need to boost or a left. He did that along the way. Obviously their expertise with the different people and the ideas. And I love Nigel, the time that I get with Nigel now to be in a circle and the accountability from the other members as well.
I suppose the one thing that I would say is I’ve been amazed by how the products and services have changed over the time and there’s so much great stuff now. It just keeps evolving. There’s lots of fresh change and it kind of almost makes you feel that it spurs you on to move your business forward and change because of all the ideas and the products for example, the implementation guys that just make it so much easier because you sit there and think to yourself, “I need to do this, I need to do that”. There’s lots of great stuff for you to dive into and just get ideas and take the time out for launching stuff.
Kim Marlor – KMA Accountancy