Hi ,
We can't cancel your EC Membership today because you've committed to stay a member until .
You switched to 'annual' membership (paid monthly) and committed to your Entrepreneurs Circle membership for 12 months in order to claim your free ticket to the 2021 Getting & Keeping Customers Convention.
As an 'Annual' EC Member you got a FREE Standard ticket to the 2021 Convention and as part of that process, here's what you agreed:
"I understand that EC 'Annual' Membership gets me one free Standard ticket to the 2021 Convention and that I'm committing to my EC membership for the next 12 months.
If I am an existing paying member of EC my monthly payments will continue, as now, unchanged for 12 months from today.
If I am currently enjoying the benefits of a free EC Bursary, nothing will change with my payments - they won't start until my Bursary ends.
I also understand and agree that by claiming my free Convention ticket I am unable to cancel my EC membership until at the earliest."
To cancel your membership, complete this form anytime after , but as you're still a member - why not get stuck in and grow your business with the tools, templates and training in the EC Vault! Head over to: vault.entrepreneurscircle.org :)