3 Ways to Track Your Marketing

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EC Blog

Why Track Your Marketing? This is about knowing every detail of whats going on in your business and about knowing the right track numbers.

With your marketing there are three ways that you can systematically track what’s happening with your marketing.

1. Call Tracking Numbers 


The best invention since sliced bread!

These are separate phone numbers which you buy wholesale. The last few digits of each number differ and they just sit on top of your existing phone system and your existing phone number.

With this, you’ll get data to know who called the number, what their number is and when they called. You’ll know how long the call lasted and with most companies, the calls can be recorded.

This tells you which bits of your marketing are making your phone ring and this can be highly valuable.

In so many instances, members of Entrepreneurs Circle have realised the value in knowing whether a particular part of their advertising is working on not.

2. Google Analytics 

Track Your Marketing

It’s easy to feel nervous about consuming hours of your time using this tool because it’s so detailed with what’s happening on your website.

The reality is, Google Analytics tells you the path people are taking around your website. You’ll know where they’re coming from and the pages they’re going to.

From a marketing perspective, this can be highly essential especially in spotting the black holes, the pages or the palaces on your website that when people go there, they never come back.

3. Offers & Vouchers 

Entrepreneurs Circle Track Your Marketing

If you run a campaign with vouchers, or run an offer or coupon codes, then you’ve created yourself a very clear process for assessment to understand what is working. You’ll know what’s been retuned, redeemed and what people are utilising.

Without a proper understanding or just relying on your instinct, then you’re almost certainly going to making decisions blind.

As your business starts to grow, that becomes more and more likely to be the case without systematic steps in place.

Know Your Numbers! 

Track Your Marketing Sales

When you begin your business, you can see everything that happens. As business grows, your visibility across what’s going on diminishes.

If you don’t know what’s happening with your numbers, then bad things can happen.

With numbers, you should always be looking for trends. The absolute numbers can matter less than the actual line that things are going in.


Feeling like you’re not achieving what you set out to do? Join Nigel Botterill’s Free Live Training and you’ll learn the ‘5 Steps to Business Heaven’. To join click here.