7 Ways you can use Facebook Remarketing to build your business

If you’re advertising your business on Facebook you’ll want to increase your ROI with retargeting campaigns.
Facebook retargeting is one of the most powerful ways to re-engage with your audience and get more sales.
Let’s look at the 7 ways you can use Facebook Remarketing to build you business right now!

1. Build a Facebook following

One objective of Facebook Ads is to drive likes to your page. You may see people saying that these Likes are not particularly useful as Facebooks organic (not paid for) reach can be quite low. However, when we run campaigns, our hottest list for targeting is to people who Liked our page.

Use a Website Custom Audience to remarket general content to warm up potential customers and encourage them to like your page.
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2. Drive topic-specific website traffic
You can build specific audiences around content that you produce for your website. If someone has read an article about a particular subject, it is likely that they will be interested in your next article about that subject. Then, the next time you write about that subject, you already have an interested audience you can promote it to.

3. Build your email prospect list
This is the strategy we use most. You can use your remarketing audiences to drive potential customers to a page where they can opt-in to receive something. It could be an ebook on a particular subject or a webinar in return for their name and email address. You could do this with your all website visitors list, or be more specific and drive people who have read an article about a subject to a page with an ebook about that subject.

4. Sell your products
People who have been on your website will be warmer prospects than those who have never been on your website. You can use your remarketing audiences to sell your products to. The lists of those that have already opted in will be even hotter prospects and you can tailor the ads for those lists to the subject matter they have shown interest in.
5. Exclude existing customers
If someone has bought your product/already opted in, you will want to stop showing them the original ad. You can build a remarketing list of everyone who has reached the thank you for purchasing page and exclude that list from your current campaign.
6. Create a content funnel
You can build remarketing lists of who has viewed what content. When you know someone has viewed a particular piece of content, you can then remove them from that Ad Set and move them on to see another piece of content. If you structure this content, you can create a sales funnel (without the need for an email address) where you move people along so they start off reading useful content that will warm them up as a prospect and they gradually see more sales driven content.
7. Lookalike Audiences
Facebook has the ability to create Lookalike audiences from a source audience. Facebook tracks characteristics and behaviours of its users so if you have a list of people that you know are engaged with your website, you can get Facebook to create a Lookalike audience from this list of your website visitors that you can then use to target new prospects.