What are people saying about you

Last week, I did an experiment on LinkedIn. I asked 100 members for a recommendation by simply sending them a message which read:
I’m sending this to ask you for a brief recommendation of my work with the Entrepreneur’s Circle. Remember Botty Rule 22: What other people say about you carries about 500 times more weight as what you say about yourself!
Thanks in advance for helping me out.
It took me about 20 seconds to write the email and a couple of minutes to select the one hundred members I wanted to ask.
Genuinely, I didn’t know if anyone would bother to write back – (I’m guilty of ignoring these requests myself sometimes!) But my aim was to see how difficult (or easy) it is to get people to make a recommendation.
Within an hour I had 10 recommendations back and I was suitably pleased.
A week later I’ve got 39 new recommendations in total, all for a couple of minutes work.
Now, I wouldn’t recommend sending out 100 requests in one go like I did but it just proves how easy it is to get some cracking testimonials…
Don’t underestimate how powerful these recommendations will be. You all know that what others say about you is worth soooo much more than what you say about yourself , yet how many Club Members are systematically using testimonials in all their marketing? How many of you are systematically following up on every meeting, every course, every sale?
Some members are. Some aren’t. Which are you?